Sunday, April 27, 2008
My Super Fabric Haul
Yay the Sun is Back
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Birthday Ruffle Skirt
Fun fairy skirts
Maia's was just strips of tulle cut about 20-25 inches long, differing lengths, cos I thought 20 inches was too short, but only found that out after I started making it lol. Patrick's was done a little differently, as I didn't want it to look so much like a tutu - he was a pixie ;). I cut the tulle for his into petal shapes and it was much longer, so not as puffy - much more manly - well as manly as a petal skirt can be ;)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My wee entrepreneur
He decided he wanted to run his own company selling stuff, since that is what I do. He asked me what I thought he should do and I told him if he wanted to run his own business then he should do something he loves. Well I love making cards he said, so he made his playroom into the 'card factory' and I helped him set up his very own etsy store - have a look, it's SO cute! He is very excited that he is the boss of his very own company hehehe.
I'm so proud of him, all of the cards have been completely his own - the ideas and pictures, choice of colour of the paper, card and envelope, the only thing I have helped him with was the cutting of the paper and the cardboard so it was nice and even, plus gluing the paper on the front so it is square. Other than that, it's all his creativity :) He has sold two so far, plus a few to us, so it won't be long at all before he has his lovely orange bike!